Archive | October 2016

Manifesting Love Club – hook

This is a new work in progress, The Manifesting Love Club. Four friends. All single. Some looking for love. Some not. Join these ladies as they take their friendship into a new direction, to manifest love.

Heather and Brian found each other, even though Heather didn’t expect to fall for a full-time clown. Now it’s Corecia’s time to find love. She has her eye on a new man, but is unsure about Noah as he’s claimed that he doesn’t want to be tied down.

This week we’re writing to the prompt ‘hook’.

Return to TUESDAY TALES to read the rest of the story snippets.


“Not boring and bland…peaceful and serene.” Tracey interjected without thinking. “Which makes you each unique and a pleasure to be around. You each have your own distinctly different personalities, just as all of us here do.”

Heather smiled in acknowledgment of her friends words. “That’s true. Even though I’m usually content with who I am, sometimes I see qualities in my friends that I’m a little envious about. But…enough about that…back to candles.”

tt-pink-candlesCorecia leaned forward and stroked the assortment of candles arranged on the coffee table. “I’ve been waiting to hear why they’re all pink. Not red, like I would have expected.”

“I know. Right? That was my thought when we walked in here.” Juliette nodded her head in agreement.

“You’d think, wouldn’t you? I always thought so too.” Heather shrugged her shoulders and picked up the largest rosy colored pillar candle. “Friday is the best day to burn candles for your love life and relationships and the best color candles to burn on Fridays are pink. Red candles are best burned on Tuesdays, the day ruled by Mars, the Roman god of war. Although…the candle energy on those days are great for when you’re facing personal struggles and physical challenges. It brings forth personal courage. So, if you were having difficulties in a relationship, you could do red ones on Tuesdays to call up courage and strength. But for love and romance, I’d stick to pink ones on Friday’s.”

“So what’s the hook? You just burn the candle and – presto – love appears?” Tracey looked skeptical.

Corecia plucked one of the candles of the table and held it up, turning it this way and that, examining it closely. “Do tell, girlfriend. Cuz I’ve got me a hot lover to conjure up.”

“You can just burn them. But remember, just like with the affirmations we worked on last month, intent is a large part of seeing results. When you light the candles, focus your intent on what you’d like to manifest. Concentrate. Say a little prayer. Think of the positive qualities of the type of man you’d like to attract. Myself, I like to spend some time in quiet reflection and pulling up feelings and emotions to add energy to my thoughts. Then I like to release my desires to the universe, send them off in silent winged journey to the heavens. But, you’ll find your own special way of working with candles.”

“So…we just gonna talk about it all night? Or do we get to light one?” Corecia stroked the candle she held, her gaze off in the distance as if imagining her special man.

Heather bent down and picked a light up off the table. “Of course we all get to light one. I was thinking that we’d each choose a candle and take it to the mantle over the fireplace in the living room. One at a time. Then we each have a little private time to spend lighting it and sending our intention out. Want to go first, Corecia?”

The ebony beauty emphatically shook her head from side to side. “Nope. I want to go last.”

“I’ll go first.” Tracey hopped up and reached for the smallest candle on the table. “It doesn’t have to be romantic love, does it? Can it just be for love in general? A life filled with love?”

“Of course,” Heather agreed. “Love is love is love. Wanting a life filled with love can come from many avenues besides a lover. Family. Hey, even friends.” She thrust her hand out to take in the four friends that sat around the small family room.

tt-pink-candleTracey didn’t take much time in the other room. She returned quickly with a hint of a smile displayed on her face. Juliette had her chosen candle in hand already, waiting for her turn, and disappeared as soon as Tracey took her seat on the sofa. She took more time than Tracey did, but was still returned fairly quickly. Corecia stood, still holding the candle she’d picked up earlier, one that held a deeper hint of mauve than the others.

While Corecia took her turn lighting her candle in the other room, the other three friends chatted quietly with one another. And chatted. And talked some more. Heather finally glanced at her watch with a quizzical expression. “What’s she doing in there that’s taking so long?” she whispered to Tracey and Juliette.

Manifesting Love Club – ghost

This is a new work in progress, The Manifesting Love Club. Four friends. All single. Some looking for love. Some not. Join these ladies as they take their friendship into a new direction, to manifest love.

Heather and Brian found each other, even though Heather didn’t expect to fall for a full-time clown. Now it’s Corecia’s time to find love. She has her eye on a new man, but is unsure about Noah as he’s claimed that he doesn’t want to be tied down.

This week we’re writing to the prompt ‘ghost’.

Return to TUESDAY TALES to read the rest of the story snippets.


Corecia laughed so hard so bent over and held her sides. “Waxing? The moon waxes? Does it yelp like I do?”

Heather merely shook her head and gave her friend some time to get the hilarity out of her system. “Guess that means you don’t pay attention to the moon phases. When it’s progressing from a new moon to a full moon, that’s called a waxing moon. It’s in a growing phase. This is a good time to set your intentions involving attraction.” She glanced around at the others to see if they were following her prattle. “This is a good time to attract a new job, a new lover, or more money. But…we’re looking at the lover aspect.”

Juliette leaned forward in rapt attention. “So…do we like…have to go out in the middle of the night for this?”

“Not at all. I mean, you can if you want. But you can do this inside. At night. Middle of the day. Whenever it’s convenient for you. You’ve got a two week period when the moon is growing to full. After full, when the visibility is shrinking each night, that’s called waning. You wouldn’t want to do your love candle magic in that two week period.”

moon-phases“So what phase are we in now? Is this a good time, or do we have to wait?” For someone that wasn’t interested in finding new love, Tracey seemed more curious than the others.

Corecia turned towards Tracey, the oldest friend in the bunch, and inquired, “You all hot and bothered to conjure up a new hottie?”

Tracey pulled back her shoulders and huffed up her chest. “Ha! Not a ghost of a chance! No one could replace my sweet Luke. But all this moon and candle doohickey intrigues me.”

Corecia snickered. “That’s okay. You can use yours and send me the good vibes. I am ready to find my knight. All this one date-one night baloney is for the birds. This mama’s ready to grab her an armful of hunk, settle down and feather our nest with love. Especially if that hunk o’ man is Noah.”

“Now, now…” Heather held up a hand in reproach.

“I know…I know. I can’t use this to work on Noah specifically.” Corecia pursed her mouth to show what she thought of Heather’s caution.

“No you can’t. You can set an intention for love. But don’t try capturing one certain person. That takes away his free will in the matter. Plus, he might not be the one. There may be a better match for you out there that the universe wants you to hook up with. But if you go messing with things, you may latch onto someone that’s not the best for you…and miss out on the goodness that was headed your way.”

Juliette settled back on the sofa and heaved a huge sigh. “I’m ready too. But I don’t want the mamby-pamby guys that I keep meeting at work. There’s just no sizzle there. I’m ready for a little heat and action in my life.”

“Then try this. And keep doing your affirmations that we worked on last month. Heather continued with the little lesson she’d planned for the others. “I don’t think I answered Tracey’s question earlier, about the phase we’re in now. The new moon was last week, so we’re smack dab in the middle of the optimum period. Now, even though there’s a two week window in there, and you can do it any day, Fridays are the best day to draw love your way.”

“Why Fridays?” Tracey and Juliette spoke in unison and started laughing.

venusHeather glanced down at the notes she held in her hand. “Friday is the day of Venus, the Roman goddess of love and sex.”

“Mmmm huh. Love and sex. Now you’re speaking my language.” Corecia bobbed her head up and down and shook in a mini-shimmey, as much as she could perform while seated on the plush couch cushions. She glanced up and caught the look on Heather’s face. “What girlfriend? You think I’m joshin’ you?”

Heather was quick to reply. “Oh no, that’s not it at all. Hey girl, after how many years I’ve know you…no, I know you’re all over the sex part. I was just thinking that I wish I had some of your spontaneity and zest for life. Sometimes around you I feel so…boring and bland.”

Return to TUESDAY TALES to read the rest of the story snippets.

Manifesting Love – picture prompt


This is a new work in progress, The Manifesting Love Club. Four friends. All single. Some looking for love. Some not. Join these ladies as they take their friendship into a new direction, to manifest love.

Heather and Brian found each other, even though Heather didn’t expect to fall for a full-time clown. Now it’s Corecia’s time to find love. She has her eye on a new man, but is unsure about Noah as he’s claimed that he doesn’t want to be tied down.

This week we’re writing to a picture prompt. Picture prompt snippets are short. Only 300 words. Makes for a quick read this week. Come see how the bread picture I chose works its way into the story.

Then, return to TUESDAY TALES to read the rest of the story snippets.


As everyone else stood, Corecia held a hand in the air as if she were a school girl waiting for permission to speak. “Wait a minute. I want another roll first. I could make a meal of good bread, ‘specially when it’s as fresh as this. Trader Joes?”

Heather held the platter that held an assortment of crusty treats towards her friend. “Nope. Central Market.”

Clutching a soft, pumpernickel roll on a napkin, Corecia joined her friends in the living room. The women clustered around the square coffee table nestled in the corner of the L-shaped sofa and examined the plethora arranged for their manifesting lesson.

Juliette plopped down at one of the ends, leaning back with a huge sigh. “Pink candles? I thought candles to attract love would be red.”

“Me too,” Tracey agreed. “I’d planned on sharing what we learn tonight with my son. But he called yesterday all in a tizzy, telling me all about his new girlfriend. Guess he doesn’t need any candle help in his love life.”

Heather grabbed a sheaf of papers from the table and began passing them out. “To use candle magic in your life, you need to know what days’ work best for your intent. Also, we need to know about what phase the moon is in.”

“Phase of the moon? Now you’re starting to sound all new-agey on us Heather.” Juliette waggled her fingers in the air for added effect.

Heather straightened her shoulders and appeared startled. “Don’t you pay attention to the moon?”

“Only when it’s a full one. Then all the loonies come out. You wouldn’t believe the customers I get the few days around a full moon.”

Heather nodded in agreement. “Full moons are important to watch. So are the new moons. But knowing when its transitioning between full and new is what you need to know. A waxing moon…”

Manifesting Love Club – fasten

This is a new work in progress, The Manifesting Love Club. Four friends. All single. Some looking for love. Some not. Join these ladies as they take their friendship into a new direction, to manifest love.

Heather and Brian found each other, even though Heather didn’t expect to fall for a full-time clown. Now it’s Corecia’s time to find love. She has her eye on a new man, but is unsure about Noah as he’s claimed that he doesn’t want to be tied down.

This week we’re writing to the prompt ‘fasten’.

Return to TUESDAY TALES to read the rest of the story snippets.


A frown flickered across Corecia’s face and she opened her mouth, although no words came out.

Tracey looked up and caught the expression on Corecia’s face. “Now you’ve done it, Juliette. Why do you two have to snip at each other so often?”

“No, no…it’s okay,” Corecia rushed in to explain. “I’m not upset about what she said. Hell, I give it back as good as anyone gives me. Or better.” She heaved a huge sigh and her shoulders sank. “It’s just what she said about that I found my man. I talk all big and brash. But it’s not always what’s really going on in my life. She said ‘I found my man.’ But I haven’t. Oh, Noah’s a hunk. The brother is one fine piece of manhood. But we’ve only had two dates. And…he’s made it very clear that he likes being single and having time to run with the guys. No strings. No attachments.”

“Bu, dear, don’t you like it that way?” Tracey softly questioned her friend.

“I liked it like that before. I didn’t want tied down either. On to the newest and flashiest conquest I guess. But there’s something about this one…something that makes me wish he didn’t feel that way. So, no. I haven’t found my guy. And it bothers the hell out of me.”

Heather settled into her chair on the end before reaching for the parmigiana which she passed to Juliette on her right. “Does he have the qualities that you listed the night we worked on affirmations?”

Corecia’s face lit up in delight. “The brother packs a load of fine qualities that I like. Did I tell you he used to be a football player? Not that that part was on my list. But I like how he’s a manly man. He likes all sports and doing things with the guys, like meeting for beers and poker nights. But he’s also smart and kind and funny. I laugh around him. He enjoys life. He’s divorced. No kids. But you should see him around kids. He’s patient. He talks to them like people. Not condescending at all, like some guys are.

Juliette took a helping of the main dish before passing it on. Reaching for the salad she asked the next round of questions. “What happened on your last date? Where’d you end up at the end of the evening? Not that I want to know any of those details. But you know, like, did he ask you out again?”

“We went to a movie. Then for ice cream after. He came in for a bit afterwards. Did have a sweet make out session on the couch.” Corecia fanned her face as if the flames of heat reignited as she talked about it. “That man can kiss! But then he stood up, kissed me on the top of my head and said he’d better leave before things got out of hand. Talk about leaving a sister all hot and bothered. Although, he did call the next day and invite me to a basketball game. He’s got to cover the game for work and had an extra ticket, so I don’t know if that really counts as a date.”

Tracey slapped her hand on the table, causing her wine glass to jiggle. “Yes it counts. Even if it’s work related and he didn’t buy the tickets. He wouldn’t be asking you if he didn’t want to spend time with you.”

Heather nodded in agreement. “I second that. If he asked you, he wants to see you. That’s a date. Period.”

The chatter died down as the ladies ate their meals with gusto. As all four scraped their plates clean, not leaving a single bite remaining, Corecia spoke up. “Have to give you props, Heather. This was the bomb. Even if it didn’t have any meat in it.”

Smothering a pleased smile, their hostess nodded and stood up. “Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. If everyone’s done, let’s head into the living room and we’ll talk about a way to rev up our love life manifesting.”

“Let me help with dishes first,” Tracey volunteered.

“Let them sit. I’ll get them later. When we’re done.” Heather grabbed a notebook that was laying on the oak side table. “C’mon ladies, let go get ‘em. You’re going to have to sit down and fasten your seatbelts. I think you’ll find that a little candle magic will pack a wallop in your love life.”

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