
Woman to Woman #2

This week in Tuesday Tales, the snippet comes from Woman to Woman. This story is a woman-to-woman romance, so scenes will be of a F/F nature. If this offends you, feel free to move onto to another Tuesday Tales snippet.

In Tuesday Tales, a group of authors write to a word or picture prompt each week. This week we’re writing to the prompt ‘bones.’

“Well, maybe the thought crossed my mind once before. But that was years ago. I was still married, and the boys were little. I realized I had a crush on the librarian where I worked.”

“So, what happened?”

“Absolutely nothing. Oh, my goodness, no. I went to church then. Every Sunday. I even typed the church bulletin every week. When I realized I had feelings that felt like a crush, boy did I push those thoughts away! Pushed them all down, for them never to see the light of day.”

“And you just went on from there and never looked back?”

Paige firmly shook her head, her ponytail swinging with the emphasis. “Nope. Never looked at those thoughts or feelings again. I justified it to myself that I was only attracted to her because of her healthy attitude towards life. I was struggling in an unhappy marriage. I had a precancerous condition. I had two young, active boys. She was a breast cancer survivor. Because of her health issues, she was a vegetarian, a yoga master, and she swam almost every day. She was very fit, not just physically, but in her emotions and her outlook. O talked myself into believing that I was only attracted to her healthiness.”

The intercom interrupted the conversation, but only for a moment.

“That was….hmmmmm….” Paige paused to think before continuing. “That must have been about fourteen years ago. I’ve never thought about a woman since. Until we moved to Arizona and I came to work here.”

“Yep, it’s in the water here,” Ed joked. “There’s a lot of gay people here, myself included. And I like it like that.”

A customer approached where the two stood talking, holding an Ocotillo and a face full of questions. That ended the conversation, but it didn’t still the swirling thoughts and emotions raging through Paige’s troubled mind. Now that Ed had jogged her memory about the one brief episode long ago in her past, she wondered why this had never been an issue in the years since.

Had she suppressed her thoughts so strongly that they ceased to exist?

Had she merely busied herself with raising the boys and being a single mother after the divorce?

Had she rushed into another relationship to avoid digging too deeply into her own inner being?

Had the move here, without the familiarity and routine of her old established life in California loosened up the buoys and parameters of her life?

How had the bones of the past resurfaced to plague her now?

She wished there were someone to talk to. All of her longtime friends were straight. They’d never understand. She didn’t feel this was a situation she could discuss with them. She didn’t know anyone here yet, other than her co-workers. Of course, BJ was gay, but Paige certainly couldn’t approach her with questions. Especially since Ed said how apparent her fascination was.

Enjoy the snippet here, then go check out the other delightful tales you’ll find at Tuesday Tales.

Check out the other delightful tales you’ll find at Tuesday Tales.

Cuddles and Purrs #3

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Today wraps up Cuddles and Purrs, the short romance written while Vintage Daze was busy with the A to Z Blog Challenge. Next week we’ll be back to the vintage short stories from the past. Thank you for joining us as we traveled to romanceland.

This week in Tuesday Tales, we’re writing to the prompt ‘rose.’

Be sure and check out the other Tuesday Tales snippets here.

Puddles Dec 2015

Our own little Puddles before she learned to eat like a big girl.

As the kittens meows got louder, Laurel’s attention was drawn back to the wriggly bundle in her arms. “Mind if I feed them here, before I take them home with me?”

“Not at all. Good idea, because I have no long it’s been since they’ve eaten.” He motioned towards the dogs at the slider. They’d calmed down and were sitting, noses glued up against the glass, curious about the activity taking place in their kitchen. “Obviously, I don’t have anything to feed kittens.”

“Not a problem. I brought my formula and bottles, just in case they were in need of an immediate meal.” Laurel placed the babies back in the box and slid a canvas bag off her shoulder. Soon it looked like a nursery spread out on the counter. She ran the tap until the water warmed up and measured and mixed formula. Soon the first little one was greedily slurping away on the tiny bottle.

Kevin watched intently. When she lifted the second one out, he asked, “Mind if I give it a try?”

“Not at all.” As Laurel handed him the baby, their hands brushed and she felt the warmth that rose from her neck to the top of her cheekbones.

Soon the babies were all fed, nestled back in the box and were sleeping away. Laurel started to pack up her supplies. She noticed that Kevin glanced at her left hand before speaking again.

“I’ve enjoyed this. Ummmm…are you up for dog activities too?”

“Dogs, cats…llamas…pretty much anything with four legs.”

“Would you like to join the dogs and I for a walk this weekend?”

One walk led to another, which led to dinner, and more dinners. Kevin soon became an expert at feeding young kittens. The dogs adored Laurel as much as they did their master. And when the two married a year later, no one was surprised when they asked for donations to their local shelter in lieu of wedding gifts.


Be sure and check out the other Tuesday Tales snippets here.

Cuddles and Purrs #2

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At Vintage Daze I’m busy with the A to Z Blog Challenge this month. So we’re returning to Chrys N. Jay for a short romance. Join us for a new short story, Cuddles and Purrs. Each week for Tuesday Tales a group of authors write to a word, or picture, prompt. This week we’re writing to the prompt ‘wash.’


“Oh, thank goodness! The cavalry has arrived. I don’t know what to do.” He stepped back and ushered her inside. “They’re in a box on a heating pad.”

A chorus of screaming, unhappy kittens assaulted Laurel’s ears as they entered the kitchen. As she stepped up to the box, their cries were drowned out by bellowing barks of two huge dogs pawing at the sliding glass door. Laurel eyed the loud duo warily before reaching in and picking up a tiny, furry bundle. “I take it you’re a dog person, not a cat person?”

Dimples deepened as he chuckled and dropped his head slightly. “Dogs for now. The bigger the better. They’re upset because we’re usually at the running trail at the edge of town by now. We got off schedule with this box of unexpected presents.”

“No clue who left them?”

“Nope. Probably a neighbor though, because I’ve joked with several about how I wished I could afford a farm so I could have all the animals I want.”

Laurel picked one of the little black fur balls and held the bedraggled munchkin up. “Needs a wash, doesn’t he?” She gathered the others, snuggled her armload of wriggly bodies to her chest and glanced at her host from the corner of her eyes. “You want more animals?”

“I’d have a zoo if I could. But mostly rescues. I’d love to be able to save some lives.” He gestured to the two bouncing hounds at the back. “Those two lugs…both rescues. One from a puppy mill. One was tied up in the backyard of an abandoned house with no food or water. Skin and bones. Almost at death’s door. Not that you could tell it now.”

Check out the other Tuesday Tales snippets here.

#MFRWHooks “Next stop was the Grand Canyon.” #romance #mustread #Bookboost —

♠♠ OUT NOW ♠♠ The 3rd book in the Beginnings series was released in October, and I’d love to get “you hooked” with some snippets. Enjoy ☺ Today’s Hook: Back in the motorhome, he packed everything away and returned to the main road. Next stop was the Grand Canyon. It was roughly a two-hour…

via #MFRWHooks “Next stop was the Grand Canyon.” #romance #mustread #Bookboost —

Cuddles and Purrs

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At Vintage Daze I’m busy with the A to Z Blog Challenge this month. So we’re returning to Chrys N. Jay for a short romance for the next three weeks. Join us for a new short story, Cuddles and Purrs. Each week for Tuesday Tales a group of authors write to a word, or picture, prompt. This week we’re writing to the prompt ‘cart.’

Check out the other Tuesday Tales snippets here.

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Cuddles and Purrs

The cat pile on Laurel’s lap shifted and wiggled. She petted the furry bodies that attached to her whenever she sat down on the couch. The resounding purr from the group calmed and relaxed her after a difficult week at work.

Pipsqueak was a black runt of the litter that survived and grew out of his teensy weensy status. Stache, a black and white tux sporting white milk mustache, had been a black puddle in the back yard, trying to escape notice. Tinker was a gray tabby that was the newest member of Laurel’s family. He squirmed right in to the middle, trying to get his fair share of the pets. The old ladies of the bunch were off sequestered somewhere, trying to nap and stay out of the way of the youngsters.

“I don’t understand why you have so many cats,” Laurel’s mother often complained. “Get rid of the cats and get yourself a good man. I need some grandchildren.”

“Mom, that’s putting the cart before the horse,” Laurel used to retort. She didn’t argue back with her mother anymore. She simply changed the subject. It was easier.

And at this point in life, loving a houseful of cats was easier. Laurel had just about given up on finding love. Not for lack of trying. It’s just that nothing worked out. Sometimes they were the ones that gave up first, deciding they weren’t meant for each other. More often than not, it was Laurel making that decision. One was too needy. One was too cold and aloof. One couldn’t stay off of his phone when they were together.

The last one was the worst. He couldn’t stand cats. In fact, he didn’t like any animals at all. He was a great guy in every other aspect. But Laurel didn’t trust the heart of someone that couldn’t love an animal. She knew that would never last, so she’d ended that one fairly early on in the relationship.

Her cell phone sitting on the arm of the sofa rang. Laurel glanced over to see who was calling before she answered it. She saw it was her friend, Karen that worked at the local animal shelter.

Karen started babbling away as soon as she answered. “…he needs some help…six kittens…little ones…I knew you could help him out…”

“Whoa. Slow down, girlfriend. Who needs some help and what are you volunteering me for?”

“A man called the shelter. He came home and found a box on his porch with six young kittens. We need a foster for them and I thought you could take them.”

Thirty minutes later Laurel was ringing a stranger’s doorbell. When the owner answered with a set of broad shoulders and dancing hazel-green eyes, she almost forgot why she was there. After staring blankly at him for a moment, she finally uttered, “…kittens.”

Check out the other Tuesday Tales snippets here.

#MFRWHooks “I’m ruining your vacation” #romance #mustread #Bookboost —

♠♠ OUT NOW ♠♠ The 3rd book in the Beginnings series was released in October, and I’d love to get “you hooked” with some snippets. I’ve moved the story a little forward … this is when Jared meets Ivy, the heroine of this story. She’s left her boyfriend “to start a new life” Enjoy ☺…

via #MFRWHooks “I’m ruining your vacation” #romance #mustread #Bookboost —

#MFRWHooks “Mark, the little weasel.” #romance #mustread #amreading —

♠♠ OUT NOW ♠♠ The 3rd book in the Beginnings series was released in October, and I’d love to get “you hooked” with some snippets. I’ve moved the story a little forward … this is Jared’s second day in LV Enjoy ☺ Today’s Hook: Jared returned to the motorhome very late that afternoon. While…

via #MFRWHooks “Mark, the little weasel.” #romance #mustread #amreading —

#SnippetSunday – “Don’t make me laugh, please.” – #romance #love #read #Free —

Hello and happy Sunday … Thanks for stopping by. First, I’d like to share the good news. You might remember Tiffany and Mat’s story. It is now available on pre-order. Come on over, do the “one click” and let me take you to the wonderful country of New Zealand – for only 99c ♥♥…

via #SnippetSunday – “Don’t make me laugh, please.” – #romance #love #read #Free —

Fresh Beginnings, by Iris Blobel #freshbeginningsrelease

Fresh Beginnings Banner

Title: Fresh Beginnings
Series: Beginnings #3
By: Iris Blobel

Publication Date: October 12, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance

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Jared Fraser, a landscape business owner in Hobart, Australia, sets out for a holiday to the USA to travel along the Route 66 in a motorhome. Looking forward to his first holiday overseas, he’s excited as he prepares himself for the journey. But little could’ve prepared him for crossing paths with a beautiful hitchhiker.

Will he be able to put his past aside and grab onto happiness?

Ivy Bennett thought leaving her boyfriend would be the hard part. It doesn’t take long to figure out how wrong she was. As she struggles with making a new start in her life, the last person she expects to lead her to happiness is a laid-back Australian on vacation.

But she will have to say goodbye again? And not only to Jared.



New Beginnings
Beginnings #1

More Beginnings
Beginnings #2

Iris Blobel was born and raised in Germany and only immigrated to Australia in the late 1990s. Having had the travel bug most of her life, Iris spent quite some time living in Scotland, London as well as Canada where she met her husband. Her love for putting her stories onto paper has only emerged recently, but now her laptop is a constant companion.

Iris resides west of Melbourne with her husband and her two beautiful daughters.

Next to her job at a private school, she also presents a German Program at the local Community Radio.

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